Personal Development

One of the unique things about Denzle Mills Training and makes us stand out from the crowd is the fact we offer bespoke training courses in English for whatever size company.

What do we mean by ‘bespoke training’ courses?

In my opinion companies do not require general English classes, sometimes there is a need to develop specific skills, people skills or a cohesive working group and improve a range of abilities that benefit the individuals, groups and business need. Whilst this may not be the ‘normal’ idea that people consider when talking about English learning/courses, the benefits of this have been shown on many occasions. It is this ‘thinking outside the box’ approach, when designed and implemented correctly that can bring greater benefits to the individual, the team, the manager, and company.

The fact that you and your employees, team, or departments work together using English as a communication structure, along with training activities in English can help and develop better skilled, adept and adaptable people in your organisation. This is an ideal way to create a novel and interesting activities different from the standard English language courses, and build on skills learnt in your native language.

English Training In Company, Hybrid, Outdoor.

Personal Development & Soft Skills Training

Working in Virtual Groups

Most people consider that managing a virtual team is one of the most difficult tasks for the modern organization. Many of these teams/groups could function better if leaders and members of virtual teams acquire the specific knowledge and skills that compliment their traditional competencies. An interactive course which will help identify the virtual ‘team type’ learn techniques of interaction, communication and management on a virtual platform.

Influencing and Persuading

At some time we need to influence or persuade other people in the professional arena at different levels in an organization. The reality is most people only have a very limited range of strategies, as a result, they are not effective in certain situations or with certain people. However, this is an essential skill that can be learnt. A dynamic and informative workshop that will build on your existing influencing skills and develop additional techniques that help you to get a "yes" more often.

Virtual Coaching

Coaching one2one or in groups is increasingly common as one of the most effective ways for people to develop interpersonal, communication, leadership and business skills. Virtual or traditional coaching done well, is a powerful way to skill development and knowledge, keeps motivation high and increase responsibility and accountability through a virtual platform.

Online Presentations

Presenting confidently in the virtual world requires presenters to improve and acquire new skills in delivering online presentations. A workshop is designed to equip you with the skills to present confidently in the virtual world. You will learn how to keep the audience focused on what you are saying, deliver key messages that resonate with your employees, teams and customers with impact get you the desired results.

Managing Meetings

A practical workshop to show how to use a range of skills to bring a meeting to a successful conclusion and significantly increasing efficiency. You will learn how to make the most of the before, during and after phases of the meeting. You will discover how to control those who talk too much or stray, and get those who contribute little to say more. Most importantly you will learn to develop greater commitment and greater effectiveness in you meetings.

Train the Trainer in English

If you give training in English this course is for you. Whether you provide training through a virtual platform, hybrid or directly as an internal/external teacher or trainer, this innovative and practical course will give you tips, ideas and the confidence to deliver training using English as your second language.

Customer Service Training

When there is not much difference between your product and the product of your competitor, there needs to be a BIG difference in the quality of service you provide your customer. This training is specifically designed to develop the customer service skills and behaviours to offer exceptional customer service

Course: May 2022

Public Speaking

A practical workshop to help you become a skilled communicator in any senario. Learn how to control you voice and information delivery timing. The most important you will get is developed confidence to stand up and present.

Social Skills

Developed Social Skills help you get that next contract, build a good social a network and help people remember who you are and what you can do for them. In multi-national work groups and organisations social skills are as essential as your technical abilities and in some cultures they viewed see as even more important.

Stand out from the crowd.

In the definition of Soft Skills, or people skills we can include the concept of 'Small Talk'.

What’s this?

Small Talk allows us to help define the relationships between friends, co-workers and new acquaintances. It is about knowing what to say, how to deal with interpersonal relationships and interact socially in a fluid and successful way. Improving this skills for non-native speakers when using English is vital. Enhancing these 'social skills' is as important, if not more so, as the correct grammatical use of the language itself.

It is a mode of conversation used to "break the ice" or fill uncomfortable silences in communication and leads to understanding cultural norms.
